Who are we?

We are a wife and husband duo. We met at a Cold War Kids concert on a perfect rainy March night and knew we were going to get married. It's been a blissful 6 years and now we have our beautiful 2 year-old daughter August-Grace and our baby Dani Elizabeth!

Dan was born in Mexico and Alex in Canada. August was born in the U.S. so we like to say that we have all of North America covered. 

Our love for the Southwest stems from our upbringing in Arizona. Dan has a passion for photography which takes us on road trips at any chance we can. We're learning a lot about the importance of travel and seeing the world. It always amazes us when we meet people that have lived in Arizona their entire lives but haven't been to the Grand Canyon (Alex was one of those people before meeting Dan!). 

Why did we start a blog? 

We want to help others travel and see the world. We both have jobs, Dan as a Product Manager at a software company and Alex as a Client Manager at an IT research firm. We're both constantly busy balancing work, being parents, our relationship, our home, family, and the daily grind that everyone goes through.

Continuing to travel and see the world, even if it's just our little section in the Southwest, is a promise we've made to our growing family. As more responsibilities pile up, the more challenging it is to keep this promise... certainly having young children makes traveling exponentially more difficult, but that's where our love for traveling and building experiences drives us. 

This blog is here to help others see that it's easy to travel with the right plan and the right information. We aren't the travel bloggers doing this full time, we don't live in a van, and we didn't sell all our possessions so we could live the "dream." We have a mortgage, a cat, our daughter, and a city with our family. Traveling is accessible and our goal is to share how we plan and where we go to inspire you and others to do the same, no matter what.

Why travel? 

Traveling allows us all to grow in new ways, even if unnoticed. We get to step outside ourselves a little bit and experience the earth, humanity, and diversity every single time we break from our home routines. 

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
— Anthony Bordain