
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Monument Valley

Monument Valley

During our time living in San Francisco, there was something I always missed from Arizona, sunsets. You just can't beat the colors, depth, and dramatic skies that they bring. During our visit to Monument Valley we were reminded just how beautiful they were.

We had been once before when we spontaneously slept in the back of our white Volkswagen in the parking lot of the View Hotel. That day we got there almost at midnight and could only imagine the landscape off in the distance. We woke up early to catch the sunrise and see the silhouettes of the buttes but on this trip we got there just in the knick of time to catch the last few minutes of the sunset. Just as we pull up the sun cleared through the heavy clouds casting the blues, reds, pinks and orange colors to the sky all the while the expansive southwest landscape. 

Monument Valley Sunset
Monument Valley Sunrise
Wild Donkeys
Monument Valley Forrest Gump
The View Hotel - Monument Valley
ASU Art Museum

ASU Art Museum

Coal Mine Canyon

Coal Mine Canyon