
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Moving to San Francisco

Moving to San Francisco

Golden Gate Sunset

Both of us have always wanted to live in San Francisco. We love the West and the good vibes San Francisco has to offer. Before getting married, we had daydreamed about living here and finally we're getting our rears into gear and launching our marriage with this move!  

We got very lucky finding our dream apartment. The weekend we chose to visit and apartment hunt (well actually the only weekend we had available) was Pride Weekend. It. Was. Nuts! With the federal legalization of marriage just announced, this city was a gigantic party and we freakin' loved the celebration all around us. And the added bonus? No one, literally NO ONE, was attending the open houses.  Landlords were eager to get renters so we had our pick of the litter (Tip if you're moving to SF, apartment hunt during Pride Weekend). After spending a few days here prowling apartments, we found our dream home. So we signed the lease, rented a neat little VW Beetle Convertible, and road tripped back to AZ to pack up our life.  

We arrived in Phoenix, slept, and spent the next few days packing up our favorite things and gave away the rest.  It's amazing how much one can accumulate... when we first got married, we didn't bother to go through our things and get rid of duplicates, so needless to say, we liposuctioned our belongings to fit into the smallest truck U-Haul has to offer. 

With the U-Haul packed to the brim, we headed back to the city as new residents!  So here we are.  Of course every change has its challenges:  I miss my family more than I even thought I would and we miss our pets dearly.  However, it has been completely worth it as we have grown more together. 




Horsing Around

Horsing Around

The Secret Airport

The Secret Airport