
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Kauai, The Garden Island

Kauai, The Garden Island

The anticipation leading up to this trip to Kauai, HI had Dan and I literally jumping on the bed everyday in excitement since Christmas time when Dan said "let's do it!" We hadn't ever been to Hawaii before and it completely blew us away and outlived all expectations. Kauai in particular has a small town feeling that just washes away worries. 

Kauai's North Shore embodies the sublime, which I hadn't ever quite felt before. While we were there in early March, the North Shore swells reached 30ft.  We drove out Haena State Park, which is the very end of the Kuhio Highway (560), and walked along Ke'e beach.  We were so mesmerized by the cliffs of the Na Pali Coast. The lifegaurds warned people to not go in the water, and while we did go in ankle deep, by the next wave we were thigh deep.  When I told my paretns about that they recalled a woman they knew who actually got dragged out to the ocean doing the same exact thing in Hawaii. Luckily we were fine, but just listen to the lifeguards if you go! 

I wish we had time to trek the first ~2 mi of Kalalau Trail to Hanakapiai beach, which begins right there at Ke'e beach (pretty much) and takes you all the way across the Na Pali Coast State Park.

There are so many waterfalls!  You can see them just driving into the hills. 

On our last full day, we took a catamaran tour with Kauai Sea Tours.  This particualar day, the water was so choppy and the captain changed the tour plan.  Since the weather had been rainy and windy, we couldn't tour the Na Pali coast (which did bum us out), but we did get to see whales and spinner dolphins!  There was one baby dolphin that was spazzing and spinning all crazy -- she'll get the hang of it soon ;-) The ride was such a blast and it totally helped to take anti-nausea medicine before hand... I am pretty sure we were the only ones that didn't get sick. We anchored at a snorkel sight just off of Poipu beach above a wonderful coral head where we got to see big sea turtles gracefully navigating the water. It was such a neat experience. 

The free range island  chickens are quite endearing and hilarious!  We really got a kick out of the rooster crows and the fancy plummage.  Apparently a hurricane in the early 1990's wrecked the chicken coops and all the chickens went roaming (maybe they flew in the hurricane winds?).  

The drive up through Waimea Canyon was stunning. We actually did this drive twice on 2 separate days hoping the clouds would dissipate, but alas, they didn't.  Exploring the lookouts in the clouds had a very eerie feeling, but you know that the view must be truly breathtaking. 

Our last night in Kauai was well spent at the Smith Family Luau.  We both really wanted to experience a Luau and this one was superb.  We got to roam the perfectly maricured gardens before the imu ceremony and then experience the very tasty buffet.  Afterwards, everyone took a seat in the outdoor auditorium for a fantasitic show of Hawaiian and polynasian culterual dances.  Remembering history class lessons on how the US basically conquered Hawaii in 1890's, I really felt sad sitting there spectating the dances that were outlawed by the US government. It's times like these I am thankful for paying some attention in history to at least be a tiny bit more aware of what happened.  For most other people there, ignorance was bliss as we all sat to watch the traditional dances. 

Check out the details here

Fort Point

Fort Point

Yosemite in the Winter

Yosemite in the Winter